Friday, July 9, 2010


i think ive started a bunch of posts and never got around to publishing them. I guess i figured if people are going to read it, I should give them something worthwhile to read but then I really doessn't matter--

SO here's whats been up with me


I grew up in Flushing, Queens and its probably one of the most diverse places I've ever encountered. Definitely cannot say the same about Acton, MA. Ive been here for 3 full days now and have yet to encounter another Asian (in public at least). Also, I've witnessed a tractor driving on a highway (well it was one of those really wide and busy streets that are practically highways)! It's amazing how interesting things get when everything is slowed down or maybe its just cause I never pay attention. This morning I sat down with some Earl Grey, my Bible, journal and Priscilla Ahn (in ipod form of course heh). As I listened to Good day, I couldn't help but feel like I was seeing a tiny glimpse of what bliss is -- when you are entirely yourself and at peace with who you are, who you're with, and even where you'll be later. Maybe this is what I needed after all. Thanks for slowing things down so that I could listen to the music again.

ALSO!! I make my bed and help set the table for dinner everyday. I like it.

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