Monday, August 2, 2010

take me home

My 11 year old cousin (Alicia) and the rest of the children are having their VBS thingamabobber at church this week. 2 little girls from brooklyn are staying with us while they attend the VBS here.
One is 8 (Baracka!) and she definitely can give Agnes a run for her money. The other one is 10 and is by far the most mature 10 year old (Rebecca) I've ever met. Though they are unrelated, Rebecca is an awesome big sister to Baracka. I asked if they were cousins or related and Baracka answers, " No, but we're sister's in the Lord" in that childish slow high pitched voice. It was awesome. Call me a creeper but Im listening to their conversation while they wash up. (My room is connected to the bathroom)

8 year old (shes showering): Oopsie daisy!
10 year old: What happened?
8 year old: I forgot my underwear!


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