Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
You dont know what it means to lose something until you've lost it.
Lately, its been hard to find joy in studying. Some stuff have been on my mind and I'm starting to think I have a problem with letting things get to me. You ever feel like screaming at the top of your lungs everything you feel? I wish I had hiro nakamura's powers I'd teleport to every person that I never had the guts to stand up to, freeze time and then tell them exactly how I've felt. Nobody would know!!
Monday, August 2, 2010
take me home
One is 8 (Baracka!) and she definitely can give Agnes a run for her money. The other one is 10 and is by far the most mature 10 year old (Rebecca) I've ever met. Though they are unrelated, Rebecca is an awesome big sister to Baracka. I asked if they were cousins or related and Baracka answers, " No, but we're sister's in the Lord" in that childish slow high pitched voice. It was awesome. Call me a creeper but Im listening to their conversation while they wash up. (My room is connected to the bathroom)
8 year old (shes showering): Oopsie daisy!
10 year old: What happened?
8 year old: I forgot my underwear!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
The city girl in me cant help but feel complete aggravation and frustration at the protected and sheltered lifestyle I've experienced here. I feel like I've been trapped in a box. BUT in the midst of the containment I am able to see how deeply loved I am. Im telling you...ups and downs galore.
My dad recently found some home videos of when I was little. Man, I WAS really loved and soo happy and playful. But if you watch the videos chronologically you start to see a trend where I become less and less sure of myself (and more awkward too!!). I wonder what happened? When I watch the videos I cant help but feel like I'm that same girl that ran away as soon as the camera was on her. At least right now, I'm insecure. I've defined myself 10,000 ways from my upbringing, my relationships, my education, my experience etc. Through all this..one things for certain, I may not always have control of my circumstances BUT i am responsible for my attitudes, behaviors, expectations, and desires. Too often I've made excuses for other people and even more for myself! . In the midst of the constant debates with myself I've come to realize there is only one thing that can bring about reliable and steadfast change in my heart and of course...it is His grace and truth. Blessed are the poor in spirit--took me a while to understand this and I'm still not fully sure of what it means. I'm so tired of listening to a thousand voices (and people) tell me who I am. And all i know is...I dont have the strength to tell MYSELF anymore. So im just gonna watch Him do the work and wait for Him to take me through this storm.
Friday, July 9, 2010
SO here's whats been up with me
I grew up in Flushing, Queens and its probably one of the most diverse places I've ever encountered. Definitely cannot say the same about Acton, MA. Ive been here for 3 full days now and have yet to encounter another Asian (in public at least). Also, I've witnessed a tractor driving on a highway (well it was one of those really wide and busy streets that are practically highways)! It's amazing how interesting things get when everything is slowed down or maybe its just cause I never pay attention. This morning I sat down with some Earl Grey, my Bible, journal and Priscilla Ahn (in ipod form of course heh). As I listened to Good day, I couldn't help but feel like I was seeing a tiny glimpse of what bliss is -- when you are entirely yourself and at peace with who you are, who you're with, and even where you'll be later. Maybe this is what I needed after all. Thanks for slowing things down so that I could listen to the music again.
ALSO!! I make my bed and help set the table for dinner everyday. I like it.
Friday, April 23, 2010
daddys girl
...Do you still remember what I told you "....You are precious to your future husband." Continue be happy. Keep your head up. I will be with you, support you, love you for whole my life.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Me as a High School Senior
Life is existent and involved in every form and shape in the vast and everlasting sciences of the world. Whether it is the birth of a child, or the spread of a virus, life is the eternal source by which the universe has come to be. As life is lived and becomes more complex, knowledge is stretched and intellect is constantly being developed. Thus, with such thoughts in mind one is prompted to question: What is the purpose of life and what does it take for one to sustain it?
As I watched a video of the starving children in
It is knowledge that allows our life to be lived to its fullest but; it is life that allows one to achieve the omnipotence of knowledge and the powers of compassion. Thus, embracing life for what it is not only allows for a deeper level of intellect but allows the spread of such knowledge, contributing in ways that may benefit one child or even the world. I am certain such thoughts constantly run through the mind of the ideal physician, as they put their whole heart and care into each patient, everyday.
All i have to say is wow.....I was such an idealist. Interesting how not too much has changed in the last four years. I was an interesting girl back then.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
Personal but not Private
While your relationship to Christ is personal, God never intends it to be private. In God's family you are connected to every other believer, and we will belong to each other for eternity. The Bible says, "In Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others." (Romans 12:5 NIV)....
God's purposes for his church are identical to his five purposes for you. Worship helps you focus on God; fellowship helps you face life's problems; discipleship helps fortify your faith; ministry helps find your talents; power helps fulfill your mission. There is nothing else on earth like the church!
If you've known me for sometime I often ask whether or not you're "happy." Not quite sure when it started but over the years I've just come to realize that most people often have a hard time answering this and rarely do I receive a confident YES. Recently, it's been super hard for me to even bother to ask. It's amazing how afraid I've become of carrying others' burdens on my heart. I read somewhere that compassion can be described as something like, "carrying your heart in mine" which is exactly what it literally feels like. My heart gets so heavy and I almost physically feel the weight of others' brokenness. Call me burnt out, tired, or even distant from God but I know He's teaching me something so incredibly valuable about His love. Though I'm not deeply intimate with Him at this moment, I know with all my stubborn heart that when He sees me He feels the weight a gazillion times more than I could ever feel or imagine. Yet, He did it. He carried and carries my heart and the rest of the world's. I want to love again, I do. Teach me to not be afraid. Teach me to be a member of your body. Teach me to love with heartbreaking joy.
Not 100% sure how the devotional is related but just felt like sharing.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
i absolutely love you.
I was blinded and couldn't find the strength to sort through the emotions so everyday I would put off the loud voice in my head telling me to get on my knees and lay it all before Him. Obedience.I lacked it and as a result I couldn't hear or discern the truth without wanting to run to physically hear it from all the wrong places and people when all He wanted was to just cry with me. I couldn't see that all He wanted was to show me that His heart breaks a thousand times more than mine. My prayers during sophomore year had been answered, my heart was breaking for what broke His but my lack of obedience had brought me so far from the truth that I simply felt lost. So it took pretty much doing nothing at home and some painful words from the best friends for me to realize how much I had fallen for all sorts of lies. So that was my winter break..realizing that maybe this empathy thing IS a gift and that He's been slowly refining it.
In the midst of the chaos of my family I grew to love them so much more. With hope in my heart for their salvation I learned to fight my instincts to put up a wall or to run and to just love. For the first time in my life, I looked into my mom's eyes and listened to her pains and grievances and didn't feel a drop of anger but heartbreak, sorrow and I guess--love. In that moment she was the most beautifully broken woman in the world and I loved her more than anything. She's probably brought me the most pain in my life but it's because of her that I've learned we hurt the most for those we love the most. So I guess I've finally allowed myself to feel what my heart actually feels without immediately telling myself that I need to be strong. While this was so difficult to understand all of last semester, I think I now have a much better understanding of the blessing it is to have such a "gift" (that's in quotations because that's what people keep telling me it is..i still dont like calling it that haha).
It constantly reminds me of how little my capacity to love actually is and how much more the cross actually means.( If I can barely carry the burdens of one person how did He do it for the UNIVERSE?!?! )For the first time in 21 years, all I want to do is to hold her in a gentle embrace and tell her that I absolutely love her and have her understand it too.