Thursday, January 7, 2010
Im tired.
too busy looking at the tiny things in comparison to the vastness of your kingdom. So busy focusing on individual kinks and flaws about lifestyle choices and faith in myself and others that ive forgotten the simple commandments to just love. Why cant i open my eyes and see not just the brokenness but the beauty of it all. Sometimes I forget that God has many roles but Hes not just a role-player..but the nouns and verbs that make up the complete yet simple pleasures of the heart. He is beauty, love, perfection, all of the above. How tiny a God I've made him to be..that its only my life and the relationships that He desires to be sovereign over. God has a big picture that i keep keep forgetting. why do i focus on such ridiculous things and not the calling he has for us to see the world in His eyes. not just..MY WORLD but HIS. HE must be my world. HE MUST. I cannot live like this anymore. I want to love HIS WORLD. not mine.